Sunday, September 8, 2013


...behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives
In recent years, probably the most popular motivational theory has been the Expectancy Theory (also known as the Valence-Instrumentality- Expectancy Theory). Although there are a number of theories found with this general title, they all have their roots in Victor Vroom's 1964 work on motivation.
...maximize pleasure and minimize pain
Vroom's theory assumes that behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. The key elements to this theory are referred to as Expectancy (E), Instrumentality (I), and Valence (V). Critical to the understanding of the theory is the understanding that each of these factors represents a belief.
...individuals pursue activities that generate the greatest reward
Vroom's theory suggests that the individual will consider the outcomes associated with various levels of performance (from an entire spectrum of performance possibilities), and elect to pursue the level that generates the greatest reward for him or her.
  Expectancy: "What's the probability that, if I work very hard, I'll be able to do a good job?"
...employee will try a task, if they believe that it can be done
Expectancy refers to the strength of a person's belief about whether or not a particular job performance is attainable. Assuming all other things are equal, an employee will be motivated to try a task, if he or she believes that it can be done. This expectancy of performance may be thought of in terms of probabilities ranging from zero (a case of "I can't do it!") to 1.0 ("I have no doubt whatsoever that I can do this job!")

A number of factors can contribute to an employee's expectancy perceptions:
  • the level of confidence in the skills required for the task
  • the amount of support that may be expected from superiors and subordinates
  • the quality of the materials and equipment
  • the availability of pertinent information
Previous success at the task has also been shown to strengthen expectancy beliefs.
  Instrumentality: "What's the probability that, if I do a good job, that there will be some jkind of outcome in it for me?"
...good performance may, or may not, be instrumental in the acquisition of rewards
  If an employee believes that a high level of performance will be instrumental for the acquisition of outcomes which may be gratifying, then the employee will place a high value on performing well. Vroom defines Instrumentality as a probability belief linking one outcome (a high level of performance, for example) to another outcome (a reward). sales jobs, performance is positively instrumental for the acquisition of commisions
Instrumentality may range from a probability of 1.0 (meaning that the attainment of the second outcome -- the reward -- is certain if the first outcome -- excellent job performance -- is attained) through zero (meaning there is no likely relationship between the first outcome and the second). An example of zero instrumentality would be exam grades that were distributed randomly (as opposed to be awarded on the basis of excellent exam performance). Commission pay schemes are designed to make employees perceive that performance is positively instrumental for the acquisition of money.
 For management to ensure high levels of performance, it must tie desired outcomes (positive valence) to high performance, and ensure that the connection is communicated to employees.
The VIE theory holds that people have preferences among various outcomes. These preferences tend to reflect a person's underlying need state.
Valence: "Is the outcome I get of any value to me?"
The term Valence refers to the emotional orientations people hold with respect to outcomes (rewards). An outcome is positively valent if an employee would prefer having it to not having it. An outcome that the employee would rather avoid ( fatigue, stress, noise, layoffs) is negatively valent. Outcomes towards which the employee appears indifferent are said to have zero valence.Valences refer to the level of satisfaction people expect to get from the outcome (as opposed to the actual satisfaction they get once they have attained the reward).
Motivation = (Expectancy)*(Instrumentality)*(Val ence)
Vroom suggests that an employee's beliefs about Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence interact psychologically to create a motivational force such that the employee acts in ways that bring pleasure and avoid pain.
People elect to pursue levels of job performance that they believe will maximize their overall best interests (their subjective expected utility).
...individuals will be motivated to perform based on two expectancies
1. the subjective probability that effort exerted will lead to the desired performance
2. the subjective probability that a given performance will lead to certain desired outcomes
...the two expectancies interact with each other and with the valence (value) of outcomes to determine an overall level of motivation
 There will be no motivational forces acting on an employee if any of these three conditions hold:
(1) the person does not believe that he/she can successfully perform the required task
(2) the person believes that successful task performance will not be associated with positively valent outcomes
(3) the person believes that outcomes associated with successful task completion will be negatively valent (have no value for that person)

visitors since 97/11/20
Last updated: 01/09/05



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